Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga » postais enviados / sent postcards

Created in 1884, MNAA (Portuguese National Museum of Ancient Art), the main museum in Portugal, houses the most relevant public collection, from the 12th century to 19th century: painting, sculpture, silver, gold and jewellery, decorative arts  - Portuguese, European, African and Oriental -, including the largest number of works classified of "national treasures".

Among them, The Pannels of Saint Vincent, by Nuno Gonçalves, and the Belém Monstrance, commissioned by king Manuel I and made with the gold brought by Vasco da Gama on his second return from India, symbols of 15th and 16th centuries Portuguese art,
and notable paintings like The Temptations of Saint Anthony, by Jheronimus Bosch, Saint Augustine, by Piero della Francesca, Saint Jerome, by Albrecht Durer, Virgin and Child, by Hans Memling, or  A Miracle of Saint Eusebius of Cremona, by Raphael.

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